What you need:
A Boat: sled, box, couch...
Body of Water: flat sheet, rug, fabric remnant
Fishing Pole: plastic or stick & string- magnet hot glued onto string
Fish: magnetic alphabet or construction paper letters with paperclips attached
Place the boat adjacent to the lake. Scatter the alphabet, magnet side up. Children sit inside the boat, each with a fishing pole. Go fish!
Alphabet Fishing can be enjoyed by a wide range of ages. Just tweak it to fit your child's skill level. For 18 months+, it is fun simply to hold the pole and see what they catch. You can ask toddlers to fish for a particular color, while preschoolers will enjoy finding particular letters they are familiar with. Start with the letter their name starts with. As they master those, introduce new letters. Challenge older children to spell words, fishing for each letter in succession to create a word.