The transfer happens twice a year, once in the fall and then again in the spring. In November, the brightly colored fish are brought into the basement under the aquarium for safekeeping during those cold winter months we all know and love. In May, the koi are scooped up from their home away from home- the tanks- and are transported back into their pristine pond where they can swim with reckless abandon once again.
To help them in their journey to & fro, Belle Isle has enlisted the help of area residents in this unique endeavor.
Here's how it goes down:
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Now you're on your way. Take the path through the garden and make a left down a set of stairs. It's the basement of the aquarium, and man, is it spooky. Helpful guides strategically positioned will direct you toward the watery holding cells.
Dump the koi, which you've named 'Goldie,' into its new home and you're done. Good job. Collect your reward which includes haute dawgs fresh off-the-grill, some Detroit classics like Better Made chips and Faygo, find yourself a nice spot on a bench or around a table and discuss all the fun you had transferring Goldie to her new home in the basement.