A helicopter flew around beginning approximately ten minutes prior to The Big Arrival. It hovered around, presumably surveying the scene, perhaps even with some snipers on board. There were snipers located on the rooftops surrounding the location. Look! There were even protesters, protesting something. Pretty majah, right.
Whoa! And here comes the entourage! Check out those numbers- I think I counted thirty+ There's the President! And the windows of the surrounding vehicles were cracked open, probably with some type of weapon within reach. [pure speculation]
Now, on to the next one. Another Presidential Visit- this time to Joe Biden's beloved Scranton. Please note that the vice-president did not accompany President Obama to Metro Detroit.
Totally just saw the president!
— Monkeys and Mayhem (@MonkeysMayhem) August 23, 2013
My mother instructed me to take a detour, so I pulled into the city- to avoid traffic, which turned out to be "Presidential Traffic." There was a traffic cop who stopped two cars in front of us while the President was rolling thru... Now we understood the strategically placed police cars along the interstate.
This "bus tour" had little of the fanfare the Prez exhibits at other locales- at least not anything at all like the flashing light circus and endless entourage of secret service agents that accompanied him on his stop at the Henry Ford Museum the year before.
There was a helicopter for that one. And he repelled down through the roof like that cat-burglar did into the Everhart Museum that one time. Just kidding. About the repelling. I can neither confirm nor deny how he entered the Henry Ford that day.
As you can see, the Electric City version is low-key. President Obama paid the town a visit, with his trusty side-kick, the Vice-President, along for the ride. You can count the entourage; there's no comparison to the Michigan visit. Maybe because I caught the Presidential visit to Scranton on the back end + it was a different campaign.
It's pretty cool that the kids have seen a Presidential entourage Comin' at ya Live! in two cities. Please note in the Scranton image set- the Coney Island restaurant. I thought all you Detroiters would appreciate that. The last photo is of The Glider Diner- Scranton's answer to our Coney Islands. The President actually ate here during one of his campaigns. Oddly enough, we had just eaten breakfast [I had Disco Fries + Corned Beef- yes, for bfast @9 a.m.- I'm an early riser] here that same morning the President was in town. Unbelievable but true. [actually- I ate bfast here three days in a row, so it's actually not that odd]
And I would tell you what I thought about my breakfast at the Glider, but I'm not looking to start a Midwest vs. Northeast battle over breakfast. [but here's a hint as to which place is the 'champine' in this scenario] You remember the outcome of the music industry version of that. And we still have that ongoing family feud between Lafayette and American to contend with.