Next week, we'll make the musicians out of clothepins... you can create one in your likeness if you want to perpetuate the dream.
Plastic Juice Bottle
Long cardboard roll of some sort [aluminum foil tube works best]
Toothpaste Box
Paints & Brushes
Glue Gun
Random Junk: Raid recycling & use whatever you find around the house
For the Papier Mache:
Newspaper: shredded into an array of different size strips
Paste: to create, mix ½ cup h2o with ½ cup flour
To begin: Shape the bottle into a train by cutting the center out & folding the 'label' into a podium. Children should not help with this part- the emergency room almost got a visit; I used an exceedingly sharp knife.
Attach the cardboard rolls onto the body of the bottle using hot glue. Add a smaller roll above each long tube. Cut openings in long roll: these are the windows. Using the toothpaste box or similar,* fashion the front of the train into a three dimensional diamond. Fold & glue part of the same box to create the top of the podium. This is when trouble set in, so I just spray-painted paper & taped it on.
Papier mache all* surfaces, leaving a little circle in front for the headlight. Let it dry. Now paint it. Add fabric backed by cardboard for the seat. Cut to fit proper dimensions & secure in place. Add strings to recreate cables- beads were used for the RCAs. Film canisters were painted & placed on the front of the train. Makit & Bakit beads were used as the headlte.
*Please Note: Attempting to depict the front of the train accurately drove me insane- so I resorted to photoshopping a vintage toy train as the front.