Vanilla Ice Cream
Pretzel Sticks
Plain M&Ms
Colorful Toothpicks
Ice Cream Scoop
The only thing I had to do for the girls- ages 5 to 10, was scoop the ice cream into a high-rimmed plate. I chose these bowls so the kids could easily decorate their snowmen. I made the snowman two scoops high.
Stack 2-3 scoops of ice cream on top of each other. Here's a great trick I learned while putting this snowman together: Use toothpicks to attach the scoops securely to each other- or they will probably slide off. It'll be sad.
Twist the Oreo, use the cookie with the least amount of icing leftover on it for the snowman's top-hat. Eat it. (the part with the frosting) Place half of the Oreo onto Frosty's head. Now add a rolo to complete the look. Take two pretzel sticks and slide them into the snowman. Now you have arms! It's facetime. Use dragees or a similar-sized candy for the eyes, then use a toothpick (preferably orange-colored) as the carrot nose. Add the buttons (M&Ms) onto his bod last, because they will slide off in no time.
The snowman pictured above is the best I could do. Luckily kids don't care how stuff looks and they had fun decorating Frosty.
Let me tell you a little secret: even though it would seem this sundae is easier than building a snowman outside- it's not. I must confess my results looks not awesome. Mine looked more like something outta 'The Nightmare Before Christmas.' For real. I'll add a pic (pictured below) at the end so you can see what I'm talking about. And laugh.
Told ya. ⬇️